
Spotlight on those who don't just sit back and wtch, and on those initiatives that are striving to make a difference.

Constance Hotels & Resorts : True by nature


If tourism is synonymous with discovery and well-being, it also has a key role to play in meeting the ecological challenges of our times. With this responsibility firmly in mind, Constance Hotels & Resorts is integrating environmental leadership into all its operations, basing its ‘True by Nature’ sustainability strategy around four pillars.

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True People

The Constance hotels group wants to contribute to reducing social inequality by offering every individual opportunities for empowerment, and by supporting local entrepreneurship. In addition to internal policies that ensure equal employment opportunities for all, the group supports the development of local artisans. The group’s collaboration with beekeeper Etienne de Senneville, who produces honey from hives at the Constance Prince Maurice, provides a good example.

True Places

Every action counts when it comes to contributing to the preservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems. Consequently, the Constance group has set out to identify the impact of each of its activities so that this can be minimised, while simultaneously pursuing greater efficiency in the use of natural resources and responsible waste management. To this end, Constance has conducted an annual audit of its hotels - the Green Globe certification - since 2013. Its hotels have achieved ‘Gold Member’ status – a testament to their commitment to sustainable development. Assessing more than 100 indicators, this program allows certified organisations to demonstrate that their policies and actions align with the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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True Services

Inspiring action: these two words encapsulate Constance’s commitment to sustainability. From strategic partnerships - notably with ‘Parley for the Ocean’, recycling the group’s plastic waste into reusable items - to commitments such as its mangrove reforestation programme at Constance Prince Mauritius and Constance Ephelia in the Seychelles, the group is committed to developing responsible and ethical practices by engaging with everyone. Whether you are a guest, a partner, an employee…everyone has an essential role to play in the sustainable transformation of the tourism industry.

True Experiences

From mangrove forests to white sandy beaches and luxuriant natural backdrops, Constance hotels are surrounded by an exceptional heritage. These areas deserve to be preserved and developed, inspiring the hotel group to work to preserve the natural and cultural riches of its destinations by promoting sustainable tourism. Involving its customers as well as the local community, Constance Hotels & Resorts establishes awareness programmes and works to restore the environments in which its hotels operate.

More than just an empty promise, the ‘True by Nature’ signature is the true heart of Constance Hotels & Resorts’ environmentally responsible strategy.

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