
Spotlight on those who don't just sit back and wtch, and on those initiatives that are striving to make a difference.

The keys for a greener planet!


"With Veranda Grand Baie now certified, all our hotels have the Green Key label."

These words from Pooja Etwah, the Sustainable Development Coordinator at Rogers Hospitality Group, mark an important milestone for Veranda Grand Baie. The Green Key certification underscores the hotel's commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism.

Aparte Inside Veranda Grand Baie

Securing this certification necessitates substantial changes in the hotel's everyday management, from curtailing energy and water usage to enhancing recycling processes. These are persistent efforts to lessen the hotel's environmental footprint in the Grand-Baie area, aiding in the preservation of the island's natural splendour for the generations to come.

More than just a label

The Green Key certification is more than merely a label. It instils a deeply ingrained culture of sustainability within the establishment's operations and ethos. The Veranda Grand Baie team embodies these principles daily, educating all staff in eco-responsible practices. They also impart these values to guests, urging them to take an active role in environmental conservation.

Veranda Resorts has also instituted stringent procedures to ensure ongoing supervision and enhancement of sustainable practices. Yearly audits are arranged to confirm adherence to and advancement of rigorous sustainability standards.

Aparte Inside Veranda Grand Baie 2

A renewed pledge

"Our teams have exerted considerable effort to fulfil these stringent sustainability standards, assuring transparency and credibility with all our stakeholders," states Pooja Etwah. By integrating these sustainable practices, Veranda Resorts does not merely meet certification criteria; it is transforming the hospitality experience, placing environmental preservation at the forefront of its priorities.

Thus, staying at Veranda Grand Baie supports a tourism model that honours and safeguards our planet. It is a stride towards a future where luxury and environmental accountability converge, where each action contributes to making our world a better place. This is Veranda Resorts' commitment, step by step, towards mindful and sustainable tourism.
