
An explanatory guide to understanding our society and those who make it work.

Let's sow eco-responsibility with sprouting paper!


Aujourd’hui, la conscience écologique est devenue une priorité croissante. Alors que le monde est en quête de solutions plus vertes pour respecter la nature et assurer l’avenir des générations futures, Nishma Beeharry a voulu semer les graines du changement de ses mains... avec rien de moins que du papier capable de se transformer en plante !  

Eco-consciousness has become a growing priority. As the world strives to find greener solutions to respect Mother Nature and safeguard the future of generations to come, Nishma Beeharry decided to plant the seeds of change with her tiny hands, using paper that can be grown into a plant! 


Inside Aparte Seed Paper Nou Kreasion 2 (1)

So, what is seed paper?


Picture a little piece of paper that, once potted and watered, starts to sprout... It is a concept that has already made its way off the paper and is now coming to life thanks to this young entrepreneur who loves nature. Nishma wanted to use her craft business, Nou Kreasion, to contribute to the fight against pollution and to protect the environment.

These products are made from recycled paper and have been sustainably produced by hand in a small home studio for the past two years. All post-consumer waste paper is collected or deposited at the studio in Chamarel, where it is recycled. These can then be filled with small seeds.

Inside Aparte Seed Paper Nou Kreasion (1) (1) 

Cultivating your eco-conscience!


Nou Kreasion is much more than just a company. It is a symbol of change and hope, with values deeply rooted in sustainability and respect for the environment. Nishma explains:   

“Living in a 'green' village like Chamarel, where I'm surrounded by nature, I always see rubbish thrown everywhere, and it saddens me. I was determined that I should do something to make a change, no matter how small. So I started to recycle plastic bottles, which were the most common type of rubbish thrown away in nature. Then I started to recycle waste paper.  The idea of turning them into seeded paper came after sharing ideas with a friend.”

Environmental benefits


Nou Kreasion's production process is based on sustainable and eco-responsible practices. Recycling post-consumer paper is at the heart of their commitment to the environment. Fewer trees are chopped down, less energy is needed and less waste is sent to landfill thanks to their recycling practices.

Studies show that recycling one tonne of paper saves 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 7,000 gallons of water and 3 cubic metres of landfill space. By reusing supplies and developing sustainable equipment, Nou Kreasion is committed to minimising its environmental footprint.

Inside Aparte Seed paper Nou Kreasion (2)


What's next for Nou Kreasion? 


By means of innovative products, as well as workshops, conferences and events, Nishma aspires to encourage those who would like to choose a greener path. Her aim is to build a dedicated community ready to take care of our environment.
